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Tony Ieraci

1 min read

Jun 26



1. Establish Brand Recognition and Top-of-Mind Awareness

   - Consistent advertising keeps your business at the forefront of potential customers' minds. For example, let’s say an auto body shop owner didn't advertise because, statistically, people only crash their cars every seven years, and he could never predict when they'd need his services. That would be short-sighted because if he were advertising and building brand awareness, it would increase the chances that, on any given day, someone who needed his services would call because they remember the brand.


2. Build Community Support

   - Local sponsorships show the community you care, support, and are invested in their well-being. This generates stronger community support for your business, fostering a positive reputation and deeper local connections.


3. Retain Current Customers and Leverage Word of Mouth

   - Consistent advertising reminds current customers that your business is still available and ready to serve them again. It also encourages them to refer friends and family, leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing.


4. Share Valuable Content and Establish Expertise

   - Offering valuable, thoughtful, and educational content for free benefits the community and showcases your expertise while driving potential customers to your business without explicitly boasting about your knowledge.


5. Attract New Customers

   - Effective advertising attracts customers with purchase intent and a desire for long-term relationships. This helps build a loyal customer base interested in the lasting value your business provides.

Tony Ieraci

1 min read

Jun 26



Enterprise Living - PO Box 312086 - Enterprise, AL 36331

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