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Amy Dover

3 min read

Jun 15



Bare feet in the grass. Staying outside most of the day. Summer camp. Going to see a movie on a sweltering July afternoon. Less hectic mornings. There is nothing like the summertime and it’s my favorite time of the year. Everyone loves to talk about “balance,” but the true goal is rhythm, and different seasons offer the opportunity to create new rhythms. The summer months provide us the time to establish new rhythms that promote connection, growth, and joy in our families.

Embrace the Outdoors

Though the weather in southeastern Alabama can be challenging, the summer welcomes families to step outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. From picnics in the park to hikes, lazy afternoons at the beach, or even family time in the backyard, the options are limitless. By prioritizing outdoor activities, families not only foster physical health but also nurture a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around them. Whether it's gardening together, exploring local trails, or watching the stars come out, time spent outdoors becomes a cornerstone of summer rhythms. And it also gets the kids away from the screens.

Cultivate Creativity

Summer provides the perfect opportunity for unleashing creativity. Encourage family members to explore their artistic sides through activities like painting, crafting, or writing/journaling. Create a designated space in the home for creative endeavors, with plenty of supplies to use when inspiration strikes. Whether it's building sandcastles on the beach or staging backyard plays, embracing creativity fosters imagination and strengthens familial bonds.

Prioritize Play

Amid busy school-year schedules, summer offers a break—a time to prioritize play and relaxation. Encourage spontaneous adventures and impromptu outings. Family game nights, movie nights, camping under the stars, and other playful activities bring laughter and joy. Embrace the freedom of summer by allowing kids to explore their interests and pursue their passions. Whether it's learning a new sport, mastering a musical instrument, or delving into a favorite book series, prioritize activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

Foster Connection

Summer provides opportunities for families to deepen their connections and create lasting memories. Schedule regular family meals, where distractions are set aside and genuine conversation flourishes. You’ll be amazed by what your kids tell you while sitting around the dinner table. Whether it's a weekly cookout, a family road trip, or a weekend camping excursion, prioritize quality time together. Engage in activities that foster teamwork and cooperation, such as cooking meals together or embarking on a DIY project. Teach your kids how to cook or bake your favorite family recipe. By fostering connection, families lay the foundation for strong relationships that endure beyond the summer months. And don’t worry about documenting all these moments on social media. Put the phone aside and truly be together as a family.



Reflect and Reset

Rest is a vital but often ignored need for families in our current culture. During these brief summer months, carve out moments for rest, reflection, and introspection. Create rituals that mark the passage of time. Spend time together reminiscing favorite memories. Use these moments to reflect on the season's blessings and set intentions for the months ahead. By being mindful and intentional, families can fill their summer rhythms with meaning and purpose that can be taken into the rest of the year.

Creating summer rhythms is an intentional process—one that requires mindfulness, creativity, and a spirit of adventure. My husband and I will officially become empty-nesters in August, as we send our younger son off to college. It’s bittersweet, but it also gives us time to enjoy our family’s summer rhythms before he moves. And it gives us the opportunity to think about how our rhythms will change again in the fall.

As the season unfolds, may each day be filled with laughter, love, and rest. The staff at Dover Counseling Services wish each of you a joy-filled summer.

Amy Dover

3 min read

Jun 15



Enterprise Living - PO Box 312086 - Enterprise, AL 36331

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