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Jun 14

3 min read



First things first. Hydration.

Start your day and your lawn’s the day with a nice drink. I recommend a piping hot coffee for yourself while you watch the sprinklers run on the lawn. I’m a big fan of sitting and watching the grass grow while I gather my thoughts for the day. About that hydration, I do feel like your Dr would appreciate me telling you to also drink a nice mason jar full of H2O. Unfortunately, coffee isn’t very hydrating. Now when watering the lawn, the moisture should soak down several inches. It is best to water heavily a couple times a week to ensure you have nice deep roots. If you water just a little everyday, you will have shallow roots near the surface.

Shallow is only good at the baby pool. By getting the moisture deeper into the soil, the roots have to stretch down deep to reach it all and soak it in. You can test how long you need to run your sprinklers by poking down with a screw driver to see how deeply the moisture is reaching. Aim for at least 5-6 inches of moisture or more if you only water once. You can do this once and know just what number to set the timer at. Deep roots make drought resistant grass!

Let’s clean up the blemishes.

You are probably good looking as you are, but your lawn may not be so blessed. Nourish your lawn and keep it’s lush green color buying feeding it four times spaced out during the growing season. Spot treat any weeds or call for a professional if they have taken over. If you handle this job yourself, make sure the product you use is safe for your lawn and follow manufacturer instructions exactly. You can also spread some seed in sparse ares or make a plan to tackle it next year. Seed is best planted on the first of May and watered daily for 3 weeks. Lastly, pick up after ol’ Rufus! Neither you, nor your lawn care professional want to find those land mines.

Time for a fresh cut.

Your lawn needs a haircut just like you, just much more often. It is recommended to mow every 7 days. I know many of you like to wait 2 weeks, but it isn’t the best schedule for the health of your lawn. To avoid getting a thatch build up, no more the 1/3 of the height of the blade should be cut. If you do space out your mowing more, plan to detach your lawn every few years to keep it in good health. When choosing the length of your cut, clean yours up at any length you like, but your lawn likes to stay in the 2.5-3.5” range. Also, keeping your blades sharp is vital. Dull blades will tear the grass instead of leaving that nice, clean cut we all love to see. Your hair stylist isn’t using dull tools on you is she? Give your lawn your best.

Too hot to handle.

And lastly, look up and notice the temperature. If you notice it is as hot as you are, go back inside and call Royal Lawns to see what your flat monthly rate would be for lawn maintenance. We offer weekly and biweekly packages, the best customer service and predictable mowing schedules. We will give you and your lawn the care you both deserve.

Jun 14

3 min read



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